January 22, 2025

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

Ending Violence against Men and Boys. Gender-Based Violence against Men

3 min read

All human beings should be treated the same and on an equal basis. For over years, the rights of men and boys have continuously been neglected. National and international Institutions have normalized violence against men and boys. Neglecting the rights of men and boys is creating another future gender crisis, which will be one of the worst man-made gender related catastrophes

Laws and policies have a great influence in the promotion of violence against men and boys in one way or the other. The majority of laws are bias and arrogant towards men. Justice should not be acquired by portraying injustice against some people. The majority of laws and policies have specifically denied men of specific rights. We stand against any form of violence against other genders and we stand against any form of violence against us. The abuse of privileges by other genders against men and boys is on the rise and needs to be addressed.

Because men’s and boy’s rights have continuously been neglected, The Human Rights and Legal Research Centre will continue to create awareness to the public on the importance of balance advocacy against gender-based violence taking into consideration different genders. We will be advocating for the promotion and protection of human rights with specific attention on the rights of men and boys while targeting serious challenges men and boys faced as a result of discrimination against men and boys.

The common societal issues are uniform and discriminatory against men and boys. Issues such as marriage, sexual violence, domestic violence, child custody, divorce, Procreative rights, imprisonment, education, false accusation for rape, health, payment of dowry, men’s welfare governmental institutions, bias distribution of justice, etc. are some of the major sociocultural, political and economic domains where men face challenges with. We will be discussing the above-mentioned societal issues amongst others through our campaigns

Education: It has been a normalized culture, that the majority of men and boys go to school more than any other gender and that their going to school is bias and or based on favoritism and or gender discrimination. The national and international awareness that men and boys are priorities when it comes to education is an overstatement. The majority of boys and men are instead, out of the formal sector of education. This is proven through jobs and other professions like building, mechanics, carpentry and driving, industrial jobs, the military, menial jobs, etc. Must men and boys are involved at most in professions and jobs, which do not need formal education like going to school up to the university level. In schools all over, men are always at the lesser percentage when it comes to number of students in the formal education sector. Men and boys have the right to education as well as all other genders. Is the rights of men and boys to education undermined by our laws and policies?

Berinyuy Cajetan, HRLRC President 


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