January 22, 2025

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

The ministry of men’s welfare should be created in every governmental structure. Ending Gender-Based Violence

2 min read

There is a lot we need to do towards ending gender-based violence. Over years, the neglect of men’s and boys’ rights in governmental structures is a call for concern. Nearly all governments in the world have failed to identify the specific needs of men and boys. The creation of structures such as the ministry of men’s welfare, which can handle such specific challenges, will be a great move towards ending gender-related discrimination.

Specific issues such as education, health, and legal problems should be primary to the protection of men and boy’s rights by designed governmental structures. As much as all of us stand against violence emanating from gender differences, there is a need to take into consideration specific challenges resulting from gender differences.

The ministry of men and boy’s welfare will be beneficial to the whole society; this is because boys especially will feel recognized and will be educated on the need for gender equality. Education is key in every ideology and the combat against gender-based violence will only succeed if boys are educated alongside girls on the importance of gender equality.

Health challenges such as the procreation right should be made known to boys during their teenage ages. In this light, a boy should be able to know when he can impregnate a girl. This is to protect his procreation right. Such health issues should be handled by specific government structures.

Education is one of the many social problems boys are facing in the 21st Century. Many teenage boys are out of school working menial jobs; this is a hindrance to their education as teenagers. At this particular age, they are supposed to gain knowledge on basic issues such as the importance of gender equality and nonviolence. However, because of neglect by the national and international stakeholders, these boys always grow up without knowledge of gender equality and thus the rise in gender discrimination.

Nearly all prisons are full of teenage boys. The ministry of men’s welfare will be in the best position to look into this problem. Many of these boys and men are wrongfully accused and sent there. Thus there is a need for the creation of the ministry of men’s welfare.

by Berinyuy Cajetan,

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