March 9, 2025

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

The Tony Elumelu Foundation, empowered over 5000 African entrepreneurs with US$24,750,000 in 2021

7 min read


The Tony Elumelu Foundation is the leading champion of entrepreneurship in Africa. Since 2010 when the organisation was founded, they have empowered Our objective is to empower women and men across our continent, catalysing economic growth, driving poverty eradication and ensuring job creation. We believe the private sector’s role is critical for Africa’s development and that the private sector must create both social and economic wealth.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation was Founded by an African investor and philanthropist, Tony O. Elumelu, and representing his personal commitment to creating a new generation of entrepreneurs, through his investment company, Heirs Holdings, the Foundation is active in all 54 African countries.

In 2015, the Foundation launched the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, a $100 million commitment by Tony Elumelu to empower 10,000 African entrepreneurs over 10 years. Building on the Programme’s success and its unique ability to identify, mentor and fund entrepreneurs across Africa, the Foundation is increasingly sharing its robust delivery platform and working in partnership with institutions such as the United Nations Development Programme, the African Development Bank, the International Committee of the Red Cross, GIZ, and United Bank for Africa Plc, to create meaningful and permanent impact across Africa.

The Foundation announced on their Official Facebook page that they have paid an amount record of US$24,750,000 directly to the hands of African entrepreneurs from all 54 African countries in the year 2021. “This is impact Since its inception, the Tony Elumelu Foundation has now funded a total of 15,847 entrepreneurs who have created more than 400,000 direct and indirect jobs and counting. Through TEFConnect, the Foundation’s proprietary digital platform, we have provided capacity-building support, advisory and market linkages, to over 1.5 million Africans!”

Out of the more than 5000 entrepreneurs who were empowered with an amount of US$500 in 54 African States in 2021, 213 Cameroonians benefited from the program. The Foundation announced on their official Facebook page “Congratulations to all 213 entrepreneurs in 🇨🇲 who will receive the sum of $1.065m from the Tony Elumelu Foundation this year!”

Are you an entrepreneur, scalable business ideas or a business that has been operational for no more than 5 years,


1 – How Do I Apply For The TEF Entrepreneurship Programme?

The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme is open to Africans from all 54 African countries with scalable business ideas or a business that has been operational for no more than 5 years.

Applicants must be 18 years of age and above. Interested applicants may register on

2 – Is There An Age Limit?

Applicants must be 18 years of age and above or considered above the age of minors in their country.

3 – Is There A Restriction On The Types Of Business/Industry?

Yes. The programme is not open to research institutions, faith based organisations, value adding trading companies, government contractors and businesses not located in Africa.

Businesses must not adversely affect the environment, lives and property. Business ideas must be for profit, and must be the original work of those making the submission.

4 – Is There A Restriction On The Age Of My Business?

Yes. All businesses must be business ideas or an early stage company, in the range of 0 to 5 years old.

5 – What If I Run Multiple Early-Stage Businesses?

Your application must focus on ONE business only.  We advise choosing your best, most feasible/innovative business idea.  Selected entrepreneurs are not permitted to apply for future cohorts of the programme, even with a different business idea or name.

6 – Will My Start-Up Be Excluded If I Have A Relation/Family Member Who Works For The TEF?

Yes. Current employees or their family members from the Tony Elumelu Foundation and affiliate companies in the Heirs Holdings Group and UBA Group are not eligible to apply for the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, either individually or as part of a team.

7 – Who Is Not Eligible To Participate In The TEF Entrepreneurship Programme?
  • – TEF Audit Partners and their Immediate Family Members.
  • – Employees of companies affiliated with the Tony Elumelu Foundation who have been involved in the creation or administration of the Programme and their Immediate Family Members.
  • – The Promoter’s consultants and agents (and employees and Immediate Family Members of such employees where the consultants and agents are entities) involved in the creation and administration of this programme.
  • – Research institutions, faith-based organisations, government agencies and businesses not located in Mali will not be eligible to apply for the programme.
  • – Applications by TEF Alumni or their Business Partner.
  • – Applications by persons disqualified under any previous TEF programme.
  • – Applications made using methods such as a macro, script, using automated devices or processors or other forms of digital tool to gain an unfair advantage.
  • – Incomplete and incorrect applications.
  • – Applications which contain illegal or unethical Businesses or Business Ideas.
8 – As A TEF Alumni, Can I Apply Again Through Another SME/Start-Up?

No, existing TEF Beneficiaries cannot reapply to the programme after receiving seed capital. For non TEF beneficiaries who have applied to the programme unsuccessfully in the past, you are eligible to re-apply.


1- How Do I Apply For The Programme?

All applications must be submitted ONLINE through the application platform of the TEFConnect. You must complete an application form by answering a series of mandatory questions.

After submission, you will receive a confirmation email of receipt within 1 working day.

 2- What If My Company Is A Partnership?

Only one nominated person from the business or the partnership may join the programme. You must have consent from all partners, and have and equal or majority share to participate.

 3- Can I Apply Offline?

No. All applications must be submitted online through the TEFConnect only.

 4- What If English Is Not My First Language?

The application form is also available in Arabic, French and Portuguese.

 5- What Are The Important Dates And Deadlines That I Need To Be Aware Of For The Application?

The TEFConnect application platform is open from midnight on 1st January, to midnight on 31st March. It will not be possible to submit any applications prior to or after these dates.

 6- What Information/Identification Do I Need To Provide In My Application?

You must answer all the mandatory questions in the application form, and provide accurate and up-to-date information.

 7- How Many Applicants Will Be Chosen To Join The Programme?

There are 1,000 places available annually for the applications that are reviewed by Accenture and ultimately selected by the Selection Committee for a placement in the programme

8- Are There Application/Associated Fees?

No. The Tony Elumelu Foundation does not charge any applicants a fee for applying to the programme.

9. As An Alumni, Can I Help Someone Else Through The Programme?

The Tony Elumelu Foundation is proud of its large and resourceful alumni network. However, no alumni should offer to or solicit gains in whatever nature from prospective applicants.

10- How Do I Get Assistance While Applying?

No persons or agents have been authorized by the Tony Elumelu Foundation to assist applicants. We strongly recommend that applicants participate in the entire process by themselves. Please reach out to us via or on social media @tonyelumeluFDN and @tonyelumelufoundation on Twitter and Instagram if you have questions.

11- Can I Pay Someone To Apply On My Behalf?

No. The Tony Elumelu Foundation is a non-for-profit organization. Any activity carried out through the course of the programme – from application to receiving seed capital – on the premise of value exchange with any persons or agents is prohibited. The Foundation reserves the right to disqualify applicants or defaulting alumni on such grounds.


1- How Are Selected Applicants Chosen To Join The Programme?

Selection of the applicants will take place after applicants successfully complete all the stages of the training and successfully take part in the pitch.

The program stages are as follows

  1. • Application Phase
  2. • Training & Mentorship Phase
  3. • Business Plan Submission Phase
  4. • Pitching Phase
  5. • Seed Capital Phase

Are you an entrepreneur, scalable business ideas or a business that has been operational for no more than 5 years, Read requirements and start preparing your applications from 1 January to 31 March 2022 through the link below:

Read more details about the program through the following link: FAQs – The Tony Elumelu Foundation

Berinyuy Cajetan is the founder and publisher of Human Rights and Legal Research Centre (HRLRC) since 2017. He has intensive experience in strategic communications for Civil Society Organizations, campaign and advocacy, and social issues. He has an intensive experiencing in human rights monitoring, documentation and reporting.

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