January 22, 2025

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

Donate Now!! Core Care Africa reach out to over 300 children in Kumba, South West Region of Cameroon

3 min read

On 17 September 2022, Core Care Africa in partnership with Kumba community organisation Toronto Canada provided school bags, school kits, books Etc. to vulnerable children in kumba, the South West Region of Cameroon

Article 26 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.” every child around the world has the right to free basic education even in armed conflict situations.

Though it is stated in the above article that elementary education is free, underprivileged families are burdened and most at times are unable to provide necessary materials to their children to enjoy the “free basic education”. Lack of materials such as uniforms, books, exam fees, pens and others further create a barrier to accessing free education for millions of children. Globally, a number of children are out of school as a result of factors such as armed conflicts, unfavourable economic conditions, terrorism, bad governance and so on.

To address these challenges hindering access to education, several mechanisms have been put in place by the national and international community. Despite the existence of these mechanisms including laws and institutions, the majority of underprivileged/vulnerable families are still finding it difficult to support their children’s education.

Civil Society organisations have also been contributing to addressing these challenges and it is the case with Core Care Africa Back to School Campaign in the South West Region of Cameroon.

The South West Region of Cameroon has been in armed conflict since 2016. The majority of children have not been going to school as a result of the ongoing armed conflict in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

Core Care Africa started the back-to-school campaign to encourage children to go back to school, encourage parents to send their children back to this academic year 2022/2023 through sensitization and encourage the parties to the armed conflict to allow access to education. The project was also aimed at providing educational facilities to Internally Displaced Persons in Kumba. They belong to low-income families and therefore this project was to support their families with some school materials.

When children are educated, they are prevented from societal ills like drug abuse. The Back to School Campaign is an initiative of CORE CARE AFRICA (CCA) for Children set up to help surmount these barriers thereby enabling deprived and vulnerable children access primary education through the provision of free scholastic materials and executing school development Projects in underserved communities which would improve learning outcomes.

Through the Back to School Campaign, we are enrolling 5,000 IDPs and Orphan children into schools where the need is greatest. With your support, we can reach our target if you will get your friends, family, groups and organizations to sponsor at least ONE CHILD Back to School for $100 which provides a complete school kit.

Alternatively, you can sponsor individual school supplies such as a pair each of school uniform, school bag, exercise books, school shoes, etc. Would you like to sponsor a school development project? Do send an email to info@corecareafrica.org. OR call us at 00237675968728

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