January 22, 2025

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

Jobs in Cameroon: Apply for the Post of Youth Engagement Coordinator with Plan International in Yaounde

4 min read

Deadline: 10th October  2022


Title:Youth Engagement Coordinator
Functional Area:Program
Reports to:Head of Programs
Rental:YaoundéTravel required:Yes
Effective Date:01 Oct 2022 / FY23Rank:D2

purpose role

The Youth Engagement Coordinator is responsible for facilitating and coordinating Plan International Cameroon’s youth engagement work, as a reliable partner for young people with institutions and networks that promote children’s rights and equality for girls. The Youth Engagement Coordinator will ensure the overall coordination of initiatives/opportunities related to the mission, values, global youth engagement strategy and regional ambition to put youth at the centre of the organisation.

He/she will propose innovative ideas and projects to improve our positioning, provide advice and build the capacity of national youth-led organizations to encourage their active participation, development and leadership.

He/she supports the country’s leadership team to strengthen the quality of the program, mobilize resources and provide opportunities for partnership, networking, learning and knowledge management.

The incumbent will contribute to changes in policies, legislation, laws, norms and regulations, attitudes and behaviour at the local, regional and national levels to improve the living conditions of children, especially girls. The coordinator will be responsible for coordinating capacity building, advocacy and influence activities of youth clubs and associations with a view to having a positive and lasting impact on mentalities, norms, attitudes and behaviour; and increasing budgets and other means for the promotion of children’s rights and the socio-economic empowerment of girls and young women.

Dimensions of the Role

The Youth Engagement Coordinator is responsible for facilitating and coordinating Plan International Cameroon’s youth engagement work, as a reliable partner for young people with institutions and networks that promote children’s rights and equality for girls.

The Youth Engagement Coordinator will ensure the overall coordination of initiatives/opportunities related to mission, values, global youth engagement strategy and regional ambition to put youth at the centre of the organisation. There is no delegation of authority related to the budget and expenses associated with this role.

NB: The application link is at the end of this post written “Click Here to read details and apply”


The Youth Engagement Coordinator works closely with Plan International’s cameroon program staff to collectively serve youth, partners and works to:

  • Support the development and implementation of the new framework for youth engagement at the regional level as a National Youth Engement Strategy;
  • Coordinate the establishment of the two youth governance groups: (i) Youth Advisory Board and (ii) Youth Advisory Panel.
  • Support government initiatives for the establishment and functioning of junior parliamentarians, junior senators, junior ambassadors and junior municipal councillors.
  • Lead all youth-related events/initiatives at the national level and support the organisation of regional youth initiatives;
  • Support young Cameroonian activists during their participation in major national, regional and international events;
  • Connect young people to relevant national initiatives and position them for regional/international opportunities and spaces;
  • Ensure the visibility of Plan International Cameroon’s work with young people/girls and facilitate sharing and learning between youth groups/networks;
  • Design and implement leadership training sessions for youth and girls and seek opportunities for influence in line with our priorities;
  • Connect young people with new opportunities offered by partners sensitive to their cultures and identities and provide ongoing support regarding these opportunities to young people when they engage in them;
  • Support young people as they advocate to ensure that their unique needs are a priority;
  • Support the development and implementation of the new youth engagement framework as well as the implementation of the Girls Equality campaign at national and regional levels;
  • Ensure that youth participation, engagement and development are always aligned with the standards of Plan International’s safeguarding policy;
  • Encourager les jeunes, en particulier les jeunes femmes, à jouer un rôle actif dans les politiques et la gouvernance du lieu de travail et dans les processus du marché du travail ;
  • Travailler avec le gouvernement et l’influencer pour évaluer et corriger les lacunes et les faiblesses des cadres politiques et des réglementations existantes ; et mettre en œuvre des stratégies pour améliorer les parcours des jeunes et en particulier des jeunes femmes vers un travail décent ;
  • Travailler avec et influencer le gouvernement et les prestataires de formation publics et privés pour développer des solutions innovantes, efficaces et transformatrices en matière de développement des compétences, des modalités de formation et des programmes de soutien post-formation adaptés aux jeunes ;
  • Travailler avec les institutions gouvernementales de concert avec le secteur privé, les médias et la société civile, pour développer des systèmes efficaces d’information compréhensibles à la disposition des jeunes, et en particulier ceux qui sont vulnérables et exclus ;
  • Autres tâches assignées

Click Here to Read Details and apply

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