2 min readSone Patience Munge (Associate Professor of Law, University of Buea, Cameroon) (pattysonem@gmail.com) and Awa Rumarick Mokom (PhD Research Student, University of Buea, Cameroon) (rumarickawa@gmail.com)
Oil and gas resources are invaluable for the wealth and wellbeing of a country. As such, ownership over these ‘treasures’ should not and never be treated with levity. In Cameroon, the state exercises ownership rights over oil and gas resources as occasioned by its legislative framework. However, despite the impressive laws regulating ownership over oil and gas resources and notwithstanding the energy, zeal, and actions envisaged in the enactment of these laws, with its language raising expectations of good behavior, national realities routinely fail to keep to pace with the aspirations of lawmakers as illegal dealings in the oil and gas sector continue to thrive. This is aggravated by recurrent conflicts being fueled inter alia by the quest to exercise ownership over oil and gas resources in the country. Adopting content analysis of primary a secondary sources of data information, this paper investigates the effectiveness of extant laws regulating ownership over oil and gas resources in Cameroon. Findings revealed that the high rate of corruption, poor governance, increased demand for contraband fuel, and the non-implementation of laws and policies are the foremost reasons for recurrent violation of rules regulating ownership over oil and gas resources in Cameroon. Hence, it is recommended that the Government commits herself genuinely to fight against corruption, adhere to the terms of the Green Tree Accord, synergize with key players at the national and international frontiers and step up the enforcement of already existing legislations on oil and gas.
Read details and download the pdf copy through the link below: https://www.globalscientificjournal.com/researchpaper/OWNERSHIP_OVER_OIL_AND_GAS_RESOURCES_IN_CAMEROON_FROM_CONCEPTS_TO_PRACTICE.pdf
Berinyuy Cajetan is the founder and publisher of Human Rights and Legal Research Centre (HRLRC) since 2017. He has intensive experience in strategic communications for Civil Society Organizations, campaign and advocacy, and social issues. He has an intensive experiencing in human rights monitoring, documentation and reporting.