September 21, 2024

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

Apply now for volunteerism and internship opportunities at CHRDA, Buea-Cameroon

3 min read

Timeline/deadline to apply

First Cycle
January-March, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th of January 2024.
Second Cycle
April-June, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th of April 2024
Third Cycle
July-September, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th July 2024
Fourth Cycle
October-December, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th July 2024


The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa (CHRDA) is a Civil Society, Human Rights and Humanitarian Organization established in 2005 with the mission to enhance the promotion, protection and respect of human rights and democracy in Africa. As part of CHRDA’s strategic plan to promote and protect human rights and the rule of law, CHRDA embarks on several projects covering different thematic including gender and women’s rights, peace and democracy, human rights monitoring, documenting and reporting, humanitarian aid, research and empowerment.

They offer a range of services to vulnerable persons, minorities, conflict victims, people affected by gender based violence and human right violations, including psychosocial and legal support, well as empowering women and young people through capacity building, soft and hard skill acquisition. In other to foster and promote the respect of human rights and democracy, CHRDA has established partnerships with several institutions, while operating in close proximity with local, regional, national and international organizations.

Volunteering and Internship Objectives

The primary objective of this volunteering and internship at the Center for Human Rights and
Democracy in Africa is to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice for young professionals
through capacity building activities.
The broad objective of the internship program is to provide an opportunity for young professionals
to acquire and develop on the job skills and the ability to gain practical experience and to connect
with other young professionals in the areas of human rights, gender equality, peace and democracy
and communication, to build their capacities for future opportunities.

Advantages of Volunteering and Internships

  1. Job Experience: Internships provide valuable exposure to how businesses operate in your chosen
    field. You’ll participate in meetings, perform tasks, and gain real-world experience. This practical
    exposure is especially crucial if you’re entering the workforce without prior job experience.
  2. Research Skills: Volunteering and internships often involve assisting with field research. You can
    apply the research skills you learned in school to meaningful projects and contribute to important
    scientific research.
  3. Resume Building: Completing an internship or volunteering opportunity allows you to add relevant material to your resume. Whether paid or unpaid, it demonstrates your commitment to learning and gaining practical skills.

Volunteering and Internship Timeline

First Cycle
January-March, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th of January 2024.
Second Cycle
April-June, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th of April 2024
Third Cycle
July-September, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th July 2024
Fourth Cycle
October-December, Applications are reviewed from 1st to 15th July 2024

This window opens during the summer vacation, granted only to student with proof of enrolment into a
higher education institution. However, exceptional candidates might be considered. To be eligible for an
internship at CHRDA, candidate must provide the following:

Proof of enrolment into University

  • Letter of recommendation from University

Requirements for Volunteering
To be eligible for volunteering at CHRDA, candidates must submit the following the documentation:

  • Updated Resume
  • Cover letter (1 page maximum)
  • A copy of a Bachelor Degree certificate
  • Copy of national identity card
  • Note: Volunteering at CHRDA is unpaid and last strictly for 3 months non-renewable.
    For more enquiries, contact:

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