December 22, 2024

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

Cameroon: civilians killed, houses burnt in Bamenda, North West Region

2 min read

on 8 December 2021, there was a bomb attack in Bamenda, the North West Region of Cameroon allegedly by the Ambazonian fighters that allegedly led to the destruction of some military vehicles and the killing of some military men.

Recently, there has been a rise in the Use of Improvised Explosive Devices by the Separatists fighters against the military in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon. The attacks have also been directed against schools and civilian objects

According to Cameroon News Agency, More than half a dozen civilians were killed by Government forces, others injured while more than 20 houses have been set on fire in Bamenda. Around 2 PM, an explosive went off around Mbengwi road, precisely between the Azire Old Church and Mbengwi Park.

The Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF) have claimed responsibility for the attack against the Cameroon Military The burning of houses was provoked by the said attack against the government forces. Several persons were reportedly killed as seen on videos circulating online, some injured, others arrested, stores looted, houses set on fire

The killing of civilians, burning of homes and business of civilians has sparked condemnation from opinion leaders and civil society organisations and actors. Oman Esther of ReachOut Cameroon remarked that “The one and million questions I am asking now is that what is happening in the #NWR? What lead to the burning of houses at Mbengwi road yesterday? Who did what? Let the NSAG and the SSF tell us. Who is it that is happy seeing us suffer like this? For what benefit?”

According to Cameroon News Agency, Muslim Scholar and Activist, Abdul Karim Ali visited the site on 9 December 2021 where Government forces burned more than 30 houses, killed at least half a dozen civilians in Mbengwi road, Bamenda, North West region.

At the time of this report, no official of the North West Region of Cameroon has made a statement in relation to the burnings

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