February 22, 2025

Human Rights and Legal Research Centre

Strategic Communications for Development

Beware of crypto currency impostors……….

4 min read

Is crypto currency like billion coin (tbc), Bitcoin, bitworld etc a scam? That is the question many will always ask when they must have registered into one of them like the billion coin crypto currency company. Soo many types of crypto currencies are emerging every day in our society and the credibility of these crypto currencies are now questionable. I am one of the victim who bought a crypto currency for a physical cash of 10 dollars from an individual. This crypto (Billion coin) amounting to 10 dollars’ physical cash have grown drastically up to 2500 dollars (in less than a year) in my tbc wallet. But now the question remains how can I get the money out of this tbc wallet and used it as a physical cash? I have try by all possible means to see where to sale it from various platform but there is no way. What I always see is where you can buy crypto currency and cannot see where you can sell back the coins.

On a search for this worries on how to sell my coins amounting to 2500 dollars, I cut across many lessons worth to share. But out of many interesting lessons, the following are very important to note. 

1) It came true that some companies involve in this crypto dealings are now using it like a collateral security to take physical cash from interested people in return of profit for example, www.bitworldcenter.company/#/app/home . Yes, this is good but what they will always make you know first is giving you a scenario that somebody can still buy shares in a company and not receives any profit at all or that you can be involve in a business and all your capital capsize inside an ocean in the course transportation. Giving you this scenario means that you already have an actual knowledge of the fact that all your capital can still be lose. And that money is compared to buying shares from a company which are permanently the property of that company (provided it is a legal entity). When you are convinced and registered as a member, there will be agreed price in which you will be paid daily according to your contribution. I do not know the credibility of this crypto market because I am not a member but at least I have been convinced by many to join the system in vain. This is because all of them will always give you the precondition in relation to the fact that you may lose all your money in the process. Thus which is more of a scam than any other thing.

2) For those who have been fooled to get registered directly into a mother tbc company (https://tbc004.net/users/sign_in ) like me can only fool others to sell the already purchase tbc to them. That is, if you are having the same billion coin like I have in my wallet amounting to 2500 dollars or any amount, what you can do to have your money back is to fool others so that they can registered under you and give the physical cash to you. And the chain continues but for you to go to any bank and withdraw that money is lie which is even compared to having the night and day at the same time. Thus it is a continue scam and not genuine as people think.

3) Just imagine that the whole world gets registered into tbc crypto currency company and everybody is waiting every day, week, month or year to collect their salary while not working anything, what will happen within the globe in one day in such situation. Please if you have been fooled to buy a tbc crypto, squeeze that idea and put it inside a dustbin for such bilion coin lectures belongs there   

Berinyuy Cajetan is the founder and publisher of Human Rights and Legal Research Centre (HRLRC) since 2017. He has intensive experience in strategic communications for Civil Society Organizations, campaign and advocacy, and social issues. He has an intensive experiencing in human rights monitoring, documentation and reporting.

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